The 5 main keys of digital marketing in tourism

The 5 main keys of digital marketing in tourism

Due to the high saturation of digital contents of travel and flight offers, it is necessary for tourist companies to establish an effective online action plan.

It is no longer about an image and a text, a single offer or a complete package. The traveler will see your ad, news or post based on many other factors.

Personalizing the traveler’s message by approaching their personal experience is the key to reach their heart and, as a result, capturing their attention with a direct message.

But this is not that simple. The buyer has to be properly identified and we must know at which stage of purchase finds himself. This is vital. For example, if a potential traveler who is looking for an environmentally friendly experience receives an offer for an adventure trip, the advertisement will most likely not be effective.

A prior analysis of the client and the audience customized according to their objectives are the secrets to “hit the spot”. Getting into the skin of the traveler and his lifestyle to present just what he wants to find.

If a potential traveler seeks to escape from the stress and anxiety of the day to day, relax and breathe fresh air, he will tend to seek experiences related to nature, health and well-being, as well as body-mind balance. If during the process he receives an advertisement related to a trip to India or to the mountains, including meditation and yoga activities, he will be more receptive and will probably consider booking it.

With this initial approach, we propose five fundamental aspects that must be taken into consideration in order to create a successful social media publication:

  1. SEO POSITIONING: Designing a strategy that allows to be positioned in the first Google search results, with quality and relevant content that increases the Page Rank is fundamental. By doing this, the blog or website will gain authority and positioning.
  2. ORIGINALITY: Google will penalize you if you generate duplicated content or copies of others. Automatically, your positioning will be lost. The creation of owned content requires time and effort, but is definitely more effective and generates a greater “engagement”.
  3. IMMEDIACY: Do not wait for the competition to take advantage of the opportunities. These must be monitored and put into practice as soon as possible. For example, you can take advantage of the Twitter “trending topics” of the day to generate related content and gain relevance.
  4. CLOSENESS: It is interesting to study the way in which potential clients interact in their favorite social networks, and plot their behavior according to their demographic profile (age, interests, and moments where they are connected), to adapt the contents and make them relevant to each audience.
  5. PERSONALIZATION: Create original contents that will impact your audience, with clear and concise messages, and preferably, that with a specific call-to-action that generates engagement.

Experience is a decisive factor when inspiring and convincing travelers to choose one destination over another. Getting into their skin and understand their needs is key. Immerse yourself in their expectations and wishes so that you can create an strategy accordingly with their needs.

If you want to know how we can help you developing effective digital communication plans and getting the best conversion for your brand, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Patricia Erustes

Social Media & Digital Marketing

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